Catalyst 12.9 BETA
Catalyst 12.9 BETA

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Abaixo detalhes do Catalyst 12.9, que traz como destaque o s! uporte a tecnologia AMD Enduro para notebook, melhorando o tempo de uso da bateria e mesmo desempenho em games.Feature Highlights of AMD Catalyst™ 12.9 Beta:  AMD Catalyst Mobility support for AMD Enduro™ Technology
AMD Catalyst Mobility now includes support for AMD Enduro™ Technology.
- AMD Enduro™ Technology for Notebooks delivers:
- Â Unbeatable battery life
- Â GPU accelerated performance for gaming, video, and compute apps
- Â A Seamless and automatic experience
- New Enduro™ Technology features found in Catalyst 12.9 Beta:
- Â View all profiled applications
- Â View recently run applications
- Profile applications based on power source
- Expert mode control and customization
- Performance centric AC
- Battery centric DC
- Up to 10% in Lost Planet 2 in single GPU configurations
Find the latest available AMD Catalyst CAP here :
- Â World of Warcraft - Mist of Pandaria (DX11, DX9): Â Fixes texture flickering observed when enabling high graphics settings with CrossFire enabled
- Â World of Warcraft - Mist of Pandaria (DX9): Â Resolve corruption when enabling Anti! -Aliasing! through the Catalyst Control Center
- Â World of Warcraft - (DX9): Â Resolves performance issues observed with the 64-bit variant o! f the cli! ent
- Â Tribes Ascend: Â Improves CrossFire performance
- Â F1 2012: Â Improves CrossFire performance, resolves texture flickering in reflections
- Tri and Quad CrossFire + Eyefinity configurations â€" Users will no longer see lower than expected performance in certain DirectX 10 and DirectX 11 applications
- FireFox â€" corruption is no longer observed on CrossFire configurations
- Enabling Overdrive settings no longer increases clocks in all power states
- AMD Video Converter support is available in AMD Catalyst 12.9 Beta Windows 7 and Windows Vista packages
This release of AMD Catalyst™ Linux introduces support for the following new operating systems
- Ubuntu 12.10 early look support
- RHEL 6.3 production support
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